

私の可愛くなろう計画🪄 / A plan for me to be pretty


Hi,I'm Kiki!!



As the title says, I am going to carry out "My plan to be pretty 🪄" (name~lol)



It all started with my favorite ! My favorite is in Japan right now (10/31), and they had a event yesterday, and from the many repos on Twitter, he seemed really, really cool...😇



I could have tried to apply, but I didn't. There were reasons for that... The first was simple: I thought I would be unsuccessful because of the high odds. I felt that I didn't want to pay a lot of money to win, to justify the second reason. And the second reason is that I am not confident in my appearance and I don't think I am worthy of a guess. My guess is really cool. But I don't feel confident that I'm promoting that person at all.


...... I'll stop because if I tell you any more I'll be too negative and nekramateng (do you know what I'm talking about? lol) 🤫💭.


So I'm going to implement "My Plan to Be Pretty 🪄" to be a girl worthy of a favorite 😤.



Personally, right now I'm already at the first step, trying to be pretty! And the next step is to find a role model 👯🔎



I want to be this person! Rather, I would like to look for what I like about this person and incorporate it in my own way!


I hope to go out a lot, scour Instagram, look for pretty girls () and meet nice people 😌.


I am sure that the next day when my favorite will come to Japan is more than a year away, but in the long run, even if I fail a lot, even if I fall behind a lot, I will surely realize my goal to be the person who can be confident in my favorite !!!!




That's all for kimi🎃🦇🕸
Thank you for reading today🙇‍♀️🫶🏻